Thursday, July 19, 2012

Run This Town

Last year, when I studied in London, I never ran. Not a single day. Unless you count the mile long sprint during my first week. We seriously underestimated the time it would take to get across town in the tube and a stern warning from our director indicated that if we were late to the show that night, there was NO WAY they would let us in. So, we got off the tube at our stop and ran for our lives. Although, ironically enough almost lost them (I had a close call with a car and angry driver) on the way to the theater. But we made it to the theater on time, no problem. So that was my one and only unplanned running excursion, even though I regretted it once I left London. I had so many opportunities: Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Wales, and multiple areas of England.

Well, why didn't I run?

First off, I'm lazy. I fall under the same category everyone else does. Just lazy and tired.

Second off, I have scoliosis.
Yes, that ominous thing they tested us for in middle school.

But don't worry, it's not the worst version of it.
My back. I'll let you in on a little secret--it's not supposed to look like this

The past few years were a massive mess of doctors telling me I had degenerative arthritis, an extra vertebrae, and a bizarre and dizzying string of theories that makes me wonder who let these people graduate from Med School. I got x-rays, an MRI, and doctors said there was nothing wrong. It wasn't until I went to a chiropractor this past year that everything became apparent. The verdict: acute scoliosis. The curve is relatively minor and it is primarily located in my lumbar region so it doesn't really show. So, it could be MUCH worse. However, the issue is that my hip bone is shifted upwards on one side (again, barely noticeable). So... a shorter leg and a curved back? Yeah, not the best combo. My muscles have to work about 80% harder than everyone else's as they struggle to balance me out. Doctors have told me not to run because it will ruin my joints and batter down my back, but for some reason, I don't feel like listening. I'm in pain every single day, so why avoid doing something I love simply because it will put me in "pain?" Pain is something I'm already extremely familiar with. And believe me, its not going to stop me from horseback riding again in the future as soon as I find the time and money.

So I decided to brave running again today. I'm actually doing a 5k in the fall, so I figured I better guarantee that I'll be in shape. I put on my ankle brace (a necessity lately, otherwise I limp the rest of the day) and headed out on this beautiful and rare England morning.

And I'm so glad I did. I mean, just look at this.

New goal: different route every day

I felt so good after I got back from the run that I think I will start running at least 3 times a week, if not more. NEW RESOLUTION.

And just in case you needed a laugh today:

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